Monday, 30 November 2015

Active Leadership

The first thing i learned was how to do a warm up in front of my peers learning how to communicate clearly so they understand what has to be done to introduce yourself and explain the game you were assigned to do.

I then did my PAR-Q as it is very important to do.This includes the pointing out fire exits,first aid and also asking if anyone has any injuries or ilnesses .All jewellery has to removed and have there shoe laces tied.

My game was rats and rabbits i put them into two groups i changed it up so id make more difficult for e.g i said "Rooster"instead of either "rats" or "rabbits" so they it becomes more challlenging.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Pendant Reliquary Cross

This gold enamel pearl ruby Pendant Reliquary Cross was made by either the Spanish or the English in c.1510 A paper packet with the words 'ex sanguine' it means optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation sealed within the cross indicates that it may have contained a relic of St Thomas a Beckett who was killed in his catherdal in Canterbury in 1170. They symbolise my religion there very beautiful they catches your eye. The pearls are quite colourful there too different crosses one moredecorative than the other.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Visit to the Hunt Museum

Painting, The Artist and his Wife

Robert Fagan (1761-1816)


A painting, oil on canvas, entitled The Artist and his Wife (1803), by Robert Fagan. Fagan looks out towards the viewer and holds a pen and book in his hand. His wife stand slightly behind him with her hand resting on his shoulder and looks towards him. She is shown à la Grecque, a style fashionable on the continent, especially in Paris. The painting is framed. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

  Visit to Limerick City Gallery

We visited the limerick city gallery with our southside clasp class and we all had an individual painting to examine and answer questions about the art work.

This name of the Artist is Micheal Timpson The Artwork i examined was "Loaves of Bread" the name of the art work is called who blows death feathers, it was created in 1996 which is quite old .